About Us
Short Story of Little Guy Cigar Shop LLC
My love for cigars and the wonderful community started in 2007 when I was 20. I went to a concert with a friend and he asked if I wanted to try a cigar. From that day forward I was aching to be a part but only as an enthusiast. Blast forward in time and I became a part of a social community the likes of which I had never seen. My passion, experience and palate grew exponentially in that time based on the interaction I had with others. Late one Saturday night entering into the wee hours of Sunday morning, a few of us great friends were conversing. The facts arose that given my passion and desire to always grow and push forward that I start my own shop. I had thought heavily about it for a couple years and researched all I could and was well versed in the steps. My philosophy has always been that people’s largest obstacle in life many times is themselves and for once I needed to take my own advice...Little Guy Cigar Shop LLC was born! I am excited to be on this journey with such a great and supportive community and am invigorated to try and bring you some of the best boutique brands that I have been blessed to sample and share with you!!